Share the Path

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I’ve been focusing diligently on being a kinder person, particularly to strangers, as a way to spread goodness in these turbulent times. It’s been going pretty well, I’d say.

So today I was excited to go running in the park, first time in at least a month. One of my most favorite things to do. It was nice to get out and be with other runners even in the chilly morning air.

I was about 2/3 through my run and I was having an impressive internal monologue, my mind beginning to clear as I rounded the bottom of the loop.

And then I see them. Three abreast and I can tell there’s no intention of moving over.

As much as I love the running community, the running pack mentality drives me crazy. When you see someone running toward you, isn’t it common courtesy to share the path? Maybe move behind one of your pack members?

Well it’s not. I moved over to the outside line, adjacent to the bike lane so the three could stay in their formation. Because I’m practicing kindness and patience, I decided it was not a good idea to slam into the side of her (which I’ve done), but instead just included in my monologue that she doesn’t know any better, that she is unaware of any sort of space considerations to others on the course… sigh…

Of course I didn’t let her lack of regard for another runner ruin my bliss, so I kept on like nobody’s business. I think about these things runners do, not because it interrupted my run or thoughts much, but because I know this is a common practice of hers and many others. A thoughtless practice.

Come on people, move! I’d rather smile at you while you move over than scowl because you didn’t. 🙂

Just Keep Running

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Welcome 2015!

It might be the first day of a new year, but of course it’s just another day really. No need for resolutions if you take each moment as an opportunity to be great.

Anyone make a resolution to up your miles? No resolution here …. That’s why I not sweating being about 13 miles short of the 900 mile mark on my Nike+ app before January 1st… okay, I did sweat it a little. I made a secret goal with myself. Close enough right? I guess. The miles will be in within the next few days so I’m not getting caught up in not making the goal, I’ll just keep running! The only person that cares is me anyway! Goals or milestones mean a lot; resolutions… I think I was clear about those last year.

Enjoy your day and make it what you want it to be!

Something Is Wrong With This Picture…

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I was just reviewing my Jibber Jabber page, taking note of my widgets in particular. My running widgets, actually…

I remember a year ago at this time I was starting to feel a little sad about removing the previous year’s race widgets from the sidebar. Removing those memories from my blog… Yes they live on in my mind, my Instagram or Facebook, but I like having those little boxes reminding me of all the races I’ve participated in! There is one little box that will remain, of course. The OMG I DID IT widget box. That stays forever.

So anyway, as I was scanning down the page, I noticed something. There was wrong with this picture… No registered races for January! What?! None?!

I tried to find something to register for while in Singapore, but no luck. Because I am here another week and a half and I will be away the last two weekends in January also, I must look for a run to register for on MLK long weekend! Granted I will be doing my own running, probably mostly on the treadmill, but no races? Glad January is so busy but really! Usually it’s such a blah month I guess with it being pretty booked up so far, I didn’t notice! Oh well, it’s all good stuff! A great way to get 2015 started!


Year of Change

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As 2014 wraps up, I think about how fast time has gone. Was it really a year ago that I had the crazy busy Christmas break? A trip to Edmonton to see my family, a wedding in North Carolina and then to Phoenix to be with Brett and the kids? Yes, it sure was.

The beginning of 2014 proved to be somewhat mechanical with Brett and I continuing to work in the same jobs we had for a few previous years. But then May came, Brett got an offer for a new job and the changes started rolling!

By June I found out I was accepted into ASCD’s Emerging Leaders program. Brett started a new job AND I was also accepted into the 2014 and 2015 NYC marathons on the same day.

In July I became somewhat of an anxious mess, but eased into my marathon training. Spent some time in San Diego with Alaa and Monica, then went to DC to participate in my first ASCD L2L event.

In August my training increased and I began mentally preparing for Brett to go to Singapore for the month of September. I also started a new job. No more teaching at the same school I had been for the previous eight years. Emotions and anxiety running high!

In September Brett was away and I started my new position. Many new routines and anxiety not improving! Pretty intense marathon training. A lot of newness this month!

In October Brett returned from Singapore but only for what seemed like a hot second because he had to be in Austin for a couple of weeks. Good thing was I was able to go to Austin for the long weekend to hang out with him. Marathon training became somewhat derailed for a week in particular due to two migraines! No bueno. But the good news was, by the end of the month, the anxiety began waning as the training tapered.

In November Brett made the move to Singapore – on my marathon weekend. Thankfully I had Alaa and Brooke with me over those transition days to soften the blow. Days at the new job were not ideal but at least I didn’t have the same stress of teaching. A break from running was okay for a couple of weeks, but then I ready to get back at it by mid-month.

And somehow December rolled in, becoming the second month of Brett being away. The job improves sightly but it’s still not necessarily what I signed up for… Going to Singapore for three weeks over the holidays was what I had been waiting for – despite the snafus with managers about the days off and the derailed departure because of a passport that would have expired in four months.

Now that I’m here, I feel like I have a clearer picture of what I need to do in the beginning of 2015. The first three months will be extremely busy with travel and fun friend/NY stuff. But it’s another year of change. Good change. Somewhat less dramatic, but also somewhat more.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading this year.


Couldn’t Stand It!

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I couldn’t!

I had to register for a race! I miss them.

I need to run, so I registered for the Ted Corbitt 15k in Central Park mid-Decemeber to make myself feel better. I did the run last year and it was lovely so, you know. But I don’t want to move my marathon widget! I’ll have to figure something out to keep it showcased…

And ok – so I applied for the NYC half in March too! So sue me!

I feel a little better now 🙂


My One And Only

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I guess I could try and describe November 2nd, 2014 to you – the day I ran the TCS NYC marathon. My first marathon, and my only.

I could go through the play-by-play of the morning getting to the start and describe the emotions running through me as I ran through this great city. But telling you wouldn’t really do the experience justice. You would have had to have been there, experience it, and bask in the enormity of this life-changing event.

Training for and running this marathon taught me a lot about myself and what I can do, including how to deal with struggles along the way.

I remember telling someone in a little over a year ago that I would never run a marathon. That running a marathon was crazy. But today, I can say I have done it. I know it’s cliche to say – but never say never. You’d be surprised what you can do, and the incredible sense of accomplishment that comes with it, especially when you think you can’t. And taking so many people on the ride with you is another accomplishment in itself.

Take a chance and do something you never thought you would, or could do. You will be amazed at the adventure it takes you on.

Total exhilaration at 26 miles, just 0.2 to go!

Total exhilaration at 26 miles, just 0.2 to go!

Looking back at the finish

Looking back at the finish


The most precious medal I have earned.


A sea of blue capes to stay warm at the end.

So Ready

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Ok. I got my bib. #64018. Signed in at my team’s table.

Mentally planning what I need to prepare Saturday night… thank goodness for that extra hour…

Actually I’ll get my things ready tomorrow night while everyone else is out for Halloween festivities.

So excited, but trying to relax into the moments leading up to the big day.

A lot happening this weekend. Mostly good. All packed with emotion. Been running on adrenaline for the last week I’m pretty sure.

Totally prepared to burst into tears at the end of my run. Thank you to everyone has been so supportive, both in words and in donations to Fred’s Team.

At the TCS NYC Marathon Expo at Jacob Davits center.

At the TCS NYC Marathon Expo at Jacob Javits center.



Running Anxiety

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It exists.

I have it.

I think it developed this month, a crucial training time for the marathon. The closer the marathon became the less I wanted to run… the more I wanted to do nothing… the more anxious I felt… but now after this morning’s run, I’m feeling pumped!

So in one week from this moment, I will be heading to the start line, finding my wave and my corral. I hate to say I just want to get it over with, but I do! Actually, it’s not even the 26.2 mile part of it, it’s the everything that leads up to the start. Once I’m on my way I’ll be fine!

It’s the getting up early enough to eat my oatmeal. It’s the dressing for the chilly morning. Then it’s taking the 1 down to South Ferry. Then taking the 8:00am ferry to Staten Island. Then it’s the walking to the start area. And then re-feeding myself. And then waiting a couple of hours to start in the cold, knowing that thousands have already started.

BUT – once it’s my time to go… that’s it! There’s no turning back, and that’s the part I’m looking forward to! Crossing the start and running through this amazing city, eyes and ears open to the sounds of this monumental event in my life.

And the anxiety will be gone.


I’ve Been Lapped

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Hey, it happens when you don’t run a 5-minute mile.

This morning I ran the Grete’s Great Gallop, a half marathon put on by Fred’s Team charity. By signing on to fundraise for Fred’s Team, I gained entry to the 2014 TCS NYC marathon.

So yesterday was to be my long run, but I wasn’t feeling great and knowing I was running a half today I didn’t feel too guilty about not running yesterday.

As I ventured into the chilled air at 8:3o this morning, I ran to the start line to put in a couple extra miles as my way to make up miles from yesterday. I was feeling good, despite the windy, cool air. I dressed appropriately in my Fred’s Team long sleeve tech shirt and the Grete’s tech shirt, along with my shorts.

At the Start

At the start

I was glad I was warm when I got to the start because had to wait about 10 minutes to start. The first miles were great, but by mile three I already had to tinkle so I decided to step off at the pit stop at the trough of the Harlem Hills. Turned out there was a bit of a line, no big deal.

As I was waiting, I heard the whistle. No way! I was getting lapped already! The first runner was lapping me while I was waiting to pee at my 3.5 mile mark – but he was at his 9.5 mile!

All I could think (or say actually) was – “holy shit, that guy’s fast”. For a split second I felt inferior to his champion running abilities. I’m not sure why considering he is a professional athlete and I am far from it. It’s really more of an honor to share a course with city/state/national/international champion runners. It’s really exciting to watch the first runners go by and cheer them on!

Alas I finished, an hour and some minutes after I had been lapped. And to think, a mere four weeks until I cross that same finish line at the end of my first full marathon.

Three Sightings in a Week

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So I know I’ve been pretty quiet the last couple of weeks. In all honesty, I feel like I don’t have a lot to say, but I actually do. New job. Husband away in foreign country. Fall, my favorite season. Friends. Running.

But on my list of what people like to hear – because they’re not usually an everyday occurrence … celeb sightings. I’ve had three sightings this week. All in very different places but all comedic people, funnily enough.

The first was last week during one of my numerous Central Park training runs. As I was in my last mile, I ran by this guy from a TV show who I recognized immediately. Curly haired, short, white dude. No idea what his name is, or what show he was on…

The second was on Monday, and it was so exciting! My colleague and I were leaving one of our school sites, walking and debriefing. In my mid-sentence, she says – “wait a minute”… and I look right beside her to see Jerry Seinfeld getting miked for an interview maybe, or maybe his show Comedians in Cars with Coffee since there was this gorgeous old Mercedes parked just to the right. So we keep walking and then I stopped and asked her like a 16-year old – “should I go and ask for picture?” Well, I answered my own question… I walked back to where the small group were standing and talking, and asked a big dude if I could snap a shot and he said it was fine. So I did! I should have asked him to say something to my Voxer group while I was at it.

Jerry on West 83rd Street

Jerry on West 83rd Street

My third sighting was today, on my way home from acupuncture in the Gramercy area. I was walking past a little playground and saw this woman on her phone, pacing by a stroller. I looked at her because I thought she looked familiar, then she looked at me because I was looking at her. She kept talking and I kept walking. It was Rachel Dratch, who plays Debbie Downer on SNL. I contemplated taking her pic, but I didn’t want to be a creeper hahaha!

So I imagine that will be the end of my sighting for some time. Three in a week was a lot of work. 😉