Lip Gloss Lover

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Happy Friday!

For me Happy Friday began at 4:30 this afternoon since I had to attend a workshop on the new teacher evaluation system today! Booooo! It was waaaay to much information and way too many acronyms for a Friday in July. The only acronym on my mind was TGIF! …. So…. I want to talk about lip gloss instead.

This is where my plug for products begins.

I love lip gloss and chapstick. I don’t feel complete if I don’t have one or two on me at all times. I’m a firm believer in the idea that if you like something or it fits right, you should buy it in every color. So I did. A couple of years ago I bought a set of Snap You’re Fab Lip Gloss by Smashbox at Sephora. This was a holiday set that I think cost $45. I like gloss with a wand and sponge brush so this fit that description, as did the array of colors that I can wear on my face.


I LOVE these glosses.  My favorite is “Radiant”, the second from the left.  It goes on my lips every time I leave home, unless I’m running, then that’s just a chapstick with sunblock!  I think I’ve use almost all the colors, even the red.  The nice thing about this red is that because it’s a gloss it’s not so drastic like a red lipstick. I love that look, but I cannot get away with it!

If you are looking for a good gloss that has a nice subtle color but does not gather that scummy layer inside your lip, try out the Smashbox glosses.

Honorable mention: NARS!  Another great gloss, fab colors, wand with sponge brush but, I found it would leak a little.  It’s a little more liquid in contrast to the Smashbox gloss. These are $26 each.


What are your faves?