May the Fourth Be With You Dad

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Yes, that’s right! My dad is a May the Fourth baby. So today’s post is a shout-out to him.

My dad. Let’s see.

  1. He’s funny. Me too.
  2. Mellow. Me too.
  3. Hard-working. Me too.
  4. Tolerant. Me too.
  5. Easy-going. Meeee tooooo.
  6. Friendly. Yep, that’s me!
  7. Ukrainian, but looks Italian or Mexican when tanned (good skin tone). Nope, not me.
  8. Knowledgable. Yep, me too.
  9. Loves music and movies. Mhmm.

Thanks Dad, for being my dad. You are the funny, mellow, hard-working, tolerant, easy-going, friendly, Ukrainian, knowledgable music-loving dad that millions of people don’t have. I got some of my greatest qualities from you, as noted above. (And yes I got some from you too, Mom. 🙂 )

Happy birthday! And May the Fourth be with you!

Playin the old Elvis on record player!

Playin’ the gold Elvis LP on the record player!


4 thoughts on “May the Fourth Be With You Dad

  1. I also called your dad on May 4th! He was taken back a bit that I remembered! I fourth his birthday one!!!!! day before Cinco de Mayo !!! Happy birthday running girl’s dad.. Keep on keeping on both of you 🙂


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